Board of advisors
“I want to go on record as wholeheartedly endorsing Greg’s idea of becoming an “at large minister” (my term not necessarily his), networking existing churches and Christian ministries in Utah… for the purposes of providing a positive, united, contextualized, and attractive testimony to a watching world and for engaging in constructive and meaningful dialogue rather than destructive and confrontational attacks on a largely LDS constituency within that watching world.”
Dr. Craig Blomberg
Denver Seminary, Retired
Distinguished Professor of New Testament
“God bless Greg Johnson and Standing Together for trying to break the cycle of confrontation between evangelicals and Mormons. Christian love is not about scoring points, but about listening and caring. Standing Together is modeling that kind of love, and I am confident it will bear much fruit.”
Dr. Daniel Henderson
President of Strategic Renewal International
Denver, CO
​“Standing Together might be one of the most important ministries to come along in years with the potential to make a breakthrough impact on the religious culture of Utah for the sake of Christ. Greg Johnson already has an amazing track record of bringing people together for effective common ministry. In addition, he is especially gifted in what must be called ‘cross-cultural ministry’ -bringing people with divergent world views together to have a clearer picture of the true saving work of Christ.”
Dr. Craig Hazen
Associate Professor of Comparative Religion and Apologetics
Biola University and Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada, CA Retired
​​“Standing Together is true to its vision of Advancing biblical unity and spiritual transformation. As a ministry it successfully builds a dialectically safe community where truth breeds intellectual honesty and growth. I am glad to be a part of this very fruitful ministry.”
"Standing Together is a model for Christian ministry: upholding truth without compromise, yet displaying a Christian witness that is attractive, winsome, intelligent, and gracious. It has been an honor to work with Standing Together in its mission to engage in dialogue with those who have different points of view."
Dr. Francis J. Beckwith
Professor of Ethics and Law
Baylor University
Waco, TX
Dr. Jerry Root
Associate Director, Billy Graham Institute for Strategic Evangelism
Associate Professor, Director of Wheaton Evangelism Institute
Wheaton College, retired
“I am deeply grateful to Pastor Greg Johnson and the inclusive ministry he leads, “Standing Together.” He brings Christ’s peace and healing to us in a fresh way and I am very grateful to him for the Gospel witness he and his ministry give to all of us.”
Most Reverend John C. Wester
Former Bishop of Salt Lake City
Archbishop of Sante Fe
​“God has given Standing Together a strategic place in His kingdom ministry. Their Spirit-led, skillful work in leading the pastors of Utah to transform their communities for Christ continues to produce fruitful results.”
Dr. Craig Williford
President of Multnomah University, Retired
Portland, OR​​
​“Greg Johnson is doing outstanding work for the Kingdom of God. He is reaching out in sensitive and sophisticated ways, at both the personal and theological levels, to Mormons. He is also writing and speaking around the country to evangelical audiences, showing them both intellectually and dispositionally how to relate to Mormons in a more constructive manner. Without yielding orthodox distinctives, Greg demonstrates ways in which Christians should speak the truth in love to those who disagree doctrinally. Both LDS and evangelical audiences have much to gain from hearing Greg Johnson.”
Dr. Gerald R. McDermott
Beeson Divinity School, Retired
​“The work of Standing Together couldn’t be more important. For too long Latter Day Saints and orthodox Christians have talked past each other rather than to each other. While never ignoring significant theological differences, the ministry of Standing Together is facilitating a new conversation that is extremely encouraging and profound. I heartily endorse it.”
Dr. Chris Hall
President of Renovare, Retired
Denver, CO
​​“Standing shows respect. Together communicates friendship. Standing Together respectfully shows friendship based on the love and truth of Jesus Christ in the Bible. In a world where many doors are closed and some are slammed shut, Standing Together is a door-opener. The truth, love and power of Jesus Christ flows through open doors. I’ve been there with Greg Johnson to see and hear Standing Together for myself. What did I experience? Biblical conviction. Warm relationships. Mutual respect. Candid communication.”
Leith Anderson
Former President
National Association of Evangelicals
Washington, DC
​“Standing Together captures the essence of Colossians 4:6 in its dialogue with LDS representatives. The Christ-like approach is refreshing. I pray more will follow this gracious ministerial model.”
Joseph Tkach
President & Pastor General of Grace Communion International (Formerly The Worldwide Church of God) Charlotte, NC, Retired
​“It is marvelous to see so many pastors and churches standing together in Utah to reach out to others with the love and grace of Jesus Christ. I give thanks to God for Greg Johnson and all who are united in “Standing Together.”
Dr. Paul Cedar
Chairman of the Mission America Coalition
Palm Desert, CA
​“In an age where misunderstanding and isolation have hindered our attempts to communicate the Biblical message of the Lord Jesus Christ, Standing Together is bringing a fresh, gracious and uncompromising raw of new hope. Greg Johnson is a bridge builder, a truth-teller and a relevant ambassador for the evangelical church in Utah and beyond. I highly commend his work and vision.”
Mr. David Neff
Former Editor, Christianity Today
Chicago, IL​
​​​​“I have had a chance to observe firsthand the work of Standing Together and the quality leadership that Greg Johnson brings to this vital ministry. I’m delighted that many of our Assemblies of God churches and pastors are participating in this ministry!”
Dr. George O. Wood
Former General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God
Graduated to Heaven
​“I commend the work of Greg Johnson and his ministry, Standing Together. Standing Together gives us a model of gracious witness to the truth and love of Jesus Christ in the midst of diverse views.”
Ravi Zacharias
Founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Graduated to Heaven
“Standing Together plays an essential and unique role in the evangelical world as it works to make outreach and dialogue more effective. Thank God for an organization like Standing Together and its unique ministry of cooperative outreach and meaningful dialogue.”
Dr. Ronald Enroth
Professor of Sociology, Graduated to Heaven
Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA